18 nov – A Carrie Tree Concert & Elemental Journey

Wees er snel bij! Zie ook als evenement op Facebook.

Zondag 18 november – Padme, Elshof 1 8131RR Wijhe.

This will be a special afternoon, taking you on a journey – connecting you through the elements of nature, after which Carrie Tree will sing songs of the heart – many of them inspired by her passion for nature and personal journey within it.

Carrie Tree and Casparo Brown are on tour from the UK and this will be a combined afternoon.

Casparo is an experienced bush craft instructor and will be introducing some simple and fun core routine tools that help develop stronger connection to the natural world.

Carrie Tree is a well known voice and singer/songwriter amongst the festival and Acoustic scene in the UK, has toured in Australia, and America, and has enjoyed performing many times in Holland over the last few years. 
This time she comes with her partner to offer a combined event. 
We really hope you will come and enjoy it!
14.30 – 15.30 – Nature connection and journey through nature with Casparo Brown (outside so bring something warm).
16 – 17.30 – Carrie Tree concert – Songs of the heart.
Hot drinks and beautiful organic vegetarian treats will be served.
Website www.padme.nl 
Dick Kocken en Jolanda Stots
Kosten €20

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